About Immediate VIP Club

Find Out How Immediate VIP Club Began

Crypto was talked about a lot as a whole, so the team figured it’s only natural that they tell you a bit about Immediate VIP Club and how it came to be.

The story of Immediate VIP Club isn’t particularly exciting. It’s not some epic adventure filled with economic peril and uncertainty. Instead, it’s the tale of a group of friends coming together to try and further the cause that cryptocurrency was championing.

The Early Days of Immediate VIP Club

The idea for Immediate VIP Club first came to use in early 2018. Bitcoin mania had just gone through that infamous period of 2017 before the crash, so crypto was all that anyone was talking about.

What the team noticed as a group during this time was how many experienced industry professionals were saying crypto is going to be a great thing for humanity, but how few of them were proposing a way to actually implement it.

No matter how promising crypto is, you’re never going to see it in everyday life unless the general public gets access to it.

Nobody else seemed to have this concern at the time, though, so the team decided to take matters into their own hands.

Developing Immediate VIP Club

The team already had plenty of software development experience under their collective belts, given that many of their little group came from an engineering background, but they needed more cooks in the kitchen.

They reached out to some of their old contacts, and within a few weeks, they had a full roster of programmers ready to go.

The development phase of Immediate VIP Club went far smoother than any of them could have predicted. They anticipated years of difficulty and hardship, but the talent that they had on the team was able to overcome any obstacles that popped up within days.

Even when the pandemic hit in 2020, they still pushed through while working from home. Their timeline for release may have been pushed back, but they were still making unbelievable progress.

The team managed to get a beta version of Immediate VIP Club out to some select testers at the end of 2020, and the feedback they got was phenomenal. All it took was a few finishing touches and Immediate VIP Club was ready for public release.

That brings them to where they are nowadays. Immediate VIP Club has been released, and they couldn’t be happier with the finished result.

They hope you feel the same way and may stick around to join the Immediate VIP Club platform.